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LIVE RADIO! Fred Burks Questions Coronavirus Response; Mark Bruzonsky on Anti-Zionist Jews, Failure of 9/11 Truth, & More

Broadcasts live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio

First hour: Ex-State Department whistleblower Fred Burks posts at, one of the best compendia of important suppressed information. He recently published “Why I have questioned the response to the coronavirus from the beginning” featuring Derek Henry’s “Is It The Germ Or The Terrain That Determines Our Health?”  We’ll also discuss Fred’s health practices, many of which I too can vouch for.

Fred’s “Resilience Guide for Coronavirus Times”:
1) Check-in so you don’t check-out – be mindful of when you feel afraid and overwhelmed and how that might affect your ability to balance your thinking with different perspectives.
2) Question what you read – don’t fall for the old maxim “if it bleeds, it leads!”
3) Follow the money. Who is profiting both financially and politically from this so-called pandemic?
4) Find the people in your life who can question WITH you what part of the narrative is being left out.
5) Practice self-care – any activity, hobby or way of eating that helps you remember your best self. We need to feel well in order to think well.
6) Physical distancing does not mean social distancing. Crisis brings out the humanity in us so that we are closer and more connected than ever. We are all in this together.
7) Recognize this is a powerful opportunity for learning and growth. And we always have a choice between fear and love. Let us acknowledge any fear that arises, yet then choose love.

Bio: Before resigning from the US State Department in 2004 due to excessive secrecy demands, Fred Burks served many years as a language interpreter for presidents and other dignitaries. He interpreted for G.W. Bush, Clinton, Gore, Cheney, and many other top officials of the US and other countries.

Mark Bruzonsky is a great guy, but has been known to hang out with dubious characters

Second hour: Journalist, author, and Middle East expert Mark Bruzonsky shares his views and experiences of two of the most important initiatives of our time: The campaign for peace in Occupied Palestine, and the 9/11 truth movement. (Mark has been an important participant in the former, and a more peripheral participant-observer of the latter.)

Tonight we’ll discuss American  Jewish journalist Peter Beinart’s NY Times op-ed calling for a binational one-state solution in Israel/Palestine, in the context of Mark’s own efforts to promote a viable peace accord, including: meeting with Anwar Sadat and helping convince him to visit Israel in 1977; authoring The Paris Declaration signed by several of the world’s top Jewish leaders in 1982; founding the Jewish Committee on the Middle East and authoring its manifesto Time to Dissociate from Israeli Policy; and publicly recognizing and announcing—on the very day they were signed—that the 1993 Oslo Accords were doomed.

Questions for discussion include:

How have Washington DC insiders Mark knows reacted to his private 9/11 truth overtures? Why have the campaign for Mideast peace, and the 9/11 truth movement, failed so abysmally to achieve their stated objectives? Why won’t the media report the evidence that Jeffrey Epstein’s job was blackmailing powerful Americans on behalf of Israeli intelligence?

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